AHS Covid Updates

According to the Arrowhead High School website, as of Wednesday, October 27, there were 15 confirmed Covid cases and 276 close contacts who are quarantined among students. 


On October 22, an email was sent out to families by Adam Bolt, Director of Student Resources. Updates were given regarding the school’s current status with Covid cases and precautions. Out of the 2,088 students who attend Arrowhead, 619 students have chosen full-time virtual learning and 61% of students are attending school in person.


In the same email was a PDF titled “Covid Info Sheet” and on it went through every symptom and how if a student or faculty member has any of these symptoms, they should stay home. On the PDF it outlined different symptoms and put them into two different categories, one titled “Experiencing ONE of the symptoms below, do not come to school” and the other titled “Experiencing TWO OR MORE symptoms below, do not come to school.” 


If experiencing a symptom such as cough/shortness of breath, fever over 100°F or chills you should stay home. And if you are experiencing two or more of the following symptoms: headache, congestion, runny nose, or fatigue, you should stay home. These precautions are taken to ensure safety among staff and students. 


All information sent by Arrowhead cooresponds with the Waukesha County Health Department, and it was stated in the email sent on October 22 that,  “If your child falls into one of these two categories, a doctor’s note or a negative test or having stayed home for 10 days will be required before coming back to school.” 


Be sure to report any potential exposers or symptoms to your doctor, and then let the Arrowhead attendance line to inform them of absence some specifics of your symptoms.