2020 Homecoming Recap

This past week, October fifth through ninth, was homecoming week and although it wasn’t a typical homecoming, there were still activities going on. Even though there was no dance, parade, or full-attendance football game, there were alterations so some homecoming traditions could continue.


The week of October fifth through ninth included dress-up days and getting ready for Friday’s homecoming game. Monday was pajama day, Tuesday was jersey day, Wednesday was USA day, Thursday was Hawaiian, and Friday was Red out. 


Kaelyn Glassey, an Arrowhead senior, said, “I made sure to dress up for the spirit days since it is my last year for homecoming and I wanted to make the most of it.” 


This year, Arrowhead’s student senate organized a homecoming king and queen fundraiser involving the teachers. Students donated money as a way to vote for the teacher they wanted to win homecoming king or queen. With the money earned, proceeds were donated to COVID-19 relief. There was a drawing at lunch for the winners. Homecoming king was Choral instructor Gustavo Chaviano and Homecoming queen was AHS English teacher, Rayen Elmergreen. 


Elmergreen said, “When the young lady came in to make the announcement I was homecoming queen, I immediately felt the blood rush to my face. Not so much with embarrassment but gratitude. There were so many amazing teachers nominated, and I honestly had no idea that students were even voting for me! The best part is that money was raised for a good cause: those families who were helped are the real winners.”


On Friday, Arrowhead football beat Mukwonago 35 to 23 in a conference game. This was a home game and unlike previous games this year, students had the opportunity to sign up for a ticket to the game through a Google form. The form was first opened up enabling 300 students to attend the homecoming game. Seniors got first grabs and if there were any remaining juniors were able to attend.