First and Subsequent Home Football Games

Last week’s varsity football game took place at Arrowhead at 7:00 pm, with performances from the Hawketts and the marching band.


Both the marching band and Hawkettes performed during halftime while following COVID-19 guidelines. Along with a half time performance, the Hawkettes did sideline performances before the game six feet apart and with masks. During their halftime performance, they had no masks but remained six feet apart. 


Regarding student attendance, each football player, Hawkette, band member, manager, and cheerleader gets two passes to give to friends or family. Students often give these passes to parents but also give a pass to another supporter of theirs, whether that be a friend, grandparent, boyfriend, or girlfriend.  


With there being no students allowed at the games (unless given a pass) the overall crowd is scarce. According to the social distancing in the stands is required by the school. 


Family members are able to sit less than six feet away from each other while different family groups are expected to stay six feet away from each other. If 6 feet away from another family they are permitted to take off their masks if and only if they are far enough away from a different group. 


AHS Hawkette Junior, Anna Tweeden said, “It was so odd to see the student section completely empty.” 


On Friday, when AHS played against Muskego, Arrowhead lost 24 to 32. 


Football Manager, Junior, Lauren Dentz said, “It was disappointing, but they had good sportsmanship.”


The next football game is set on October 2nd at 7:00 pm. This is an away game and Arrowhead will be playing Waukesha South. Unlike the previous home game, the Hawkettes and band won’t be accompanying, just the cheerleaders.