Incoming Freshmen Excited To Be A Part Of Arrowhead

Arrowhead freshmen ready to take on the school year.
Making the transition from middle to high school can be a mix of emotions for incoming freshmen. Often times the student body is larger, and can appear scary for some. For others the surroundings might feel the same, but the academics may come across as challenging with expectations being much higher.
Freshman year is the year that sets the stage for success in high school and in college.
Olivia Byczek, a student at Nature Hill Middle School says, “I’m so excited about coming to Arrowhead High School. The opportunity to meet new friendly faces is abundant. I’m ready for the new experience picking out classes that interest me, and making lasting friendships.”
During the summer, incoming freshmen have the opportunity to attend WINGS which allows students to get to know Arrowhead High School, along with the people around them. The WINGS freshmen transition experience will take place August 15th-August 17th from 7:30am-12pm located at South Campus.
According to the Arrowhead website it says, “WINGS provides in-coming freshman with: the general welcome to Arrowhead Union High School, an introduction to and tour of the school campus, an opportunity to meet other in-coming and upper-level students, an overview of student services, academic programs, institutional policies, and student organizations.”
Alanna Logemann, a student at Richmond Middle School says, “Arrowhead presents us with the ability to be a part of social events we never would have had in middle school. I’m ready because I have my schedule for the upcoming school year, and their are many people who I already know in these classes. I plan to do wings over the summer, and I’m hoping it will help me learn about the people I’ll be spending the next four years with along with more about the school. I think it’s a great opportunity.”
Arrowhead High Schools next school year starts September 4th, 2018. Incoming freshman from all around the area are preparing mentally for the transition to begin. Before freshman year, most young people receive an abundance of advice from siblings, parents, grandparents, friends of parents, teachers, and have to decide what advice to take out of each conversation.
“I know making the transition to Arrowhead High School will be a trial at times, but I’m hoping that I can take the new expectations as well as I am now and embrace this whole new step in my life,” Cayden Seltz, a student at Merton Intermediate School, says.
“I’ve been told to push myself to try out for different things. Of course I want to keep my grades up, but I also want to try out for the hockey and lacrosse team. I think that’s a good way to reach out,” Hunter Dora, a student at Merton Intermediate School, says.