Seniors Prepared for Graduation and the Transition to College

Arrowhead Graduation Cap
For seniors, graduation is on June 2nd, with AP exams and other final exams coming up. Seniors have eight school days until graduation. Then, their high school career is over.
Graduation is on Saturday, June 2nd and starts at 7:00 P.M. The day before is the senior party where seniors can share their last memories. The party will start at 9:00 pm and end at 1:00 AM the next morning. The event will be a “lock in”, meaning students are not allowed to leave after you enter the building until 1:00 A.M. Also, students will not be let in after 9:30 P.M.
Senior Liam Coughlin said, “I’m so excited to be able to celebrate this amazing school year for one last time with my friends.”
Senior Matthew Tarnow said, “I can’t wait for graduation, and especially can’t wait for college. It’s more real life for me and arrowhead is too much of a bubble if you ask me. I’m ready to take on the real world.”
Senior Matt Keefner said, “These last four years have gone by so fast, I can’t believe I’m going off to college after this summer. It’s kind of crazy to think about.”
Senior Luke Clendenning said, “These next eight days can’t come soon enough, but it’s still crazy how fast highschool flew by.” he also added, “I think the senior party will be a cool way to end the year with all of my friends and remember all the fun times we had and have one last time together as a senior class.”
A widespread term used for seniors in high school is something called “senioritis”. Senioritis is the lack of motivation to do school work, because summer is in the students grasp and they are so ready for college to come.
Senior Mitchell Dassow said, “Yes, I definitely have a case of senioritis, and im struggling to find motivation to end this semester. Summer is just so close and I cannot wait to be done with high school.”
Senior Matt Foust said, “Highschool has been really fun and I’m gonna miss it and all of the friends that I have made throughout the years. It has gone by so fast and these last two semesters especially have been a blur.” He also added, “I have a bad case of senioritis right now. Probably for the last month or two. It’s just hard to keep focus when graduation is so close and just trying to have fun with the last bit of highschool.”