Arrowhead Students Excited for Senior Party

Senior Party Invite.
Volunteers and parents of Arrowhead students will be hosting a Senior Party for all students graduating this June. The party will be on June 1st at Arrowhead’s North Campus from 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. There will be no entrances after 9:30 P.M.
The Arrowhead website posted this about the Party: “Senior Party Invites Are In the Mail!!! Parents—look for your Sponge Bob Invitation and Permission Slip in the mail. Get this item checked off of your ‘To Do List’ by registering by April 13th for best pricing and get entered into a prize raffle!!! Options for payment are: 1) check 2) online payment at Senior Party Tickets. If paying with check, Tracy MacDonald in the NC office is collecting along with ALL permission slips. Payment & permission slip must be in to get entered in the raffle. Thank you to all who have volunteered to donate food/drink/staffing the event so far. We realize graduation weekend will be a busy time for all of us. We need your help to make this event happen. Please go to Genius Sign Up to see what spots are open—of particular need are the early and late shifts. The Prize Raffle Committee is seeking donations of college appropriate items (dorm fridges, sheets, fans, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Starbucks, gas gift cards). Graduates love the raffle and will win tickets throughout the night to give them chances to win! If you prefer to donate [money]the committee will gladly purchase items for the raffle. Or…why not buy some gift cards with credit card points to donate to the raffle. Please contact Jody Kopetsky at [email protected] with your donations! That is it for now…the event is Friday June 1st from 9:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.”
Tickets will be $50 if students buy them before April 13th. However, if a student buys their tickets between April 14th and May 18th they will be $60, and anything after May 18th will be $70. Students will also need their permission form filled out and turned in with the money, which was sent to each students home. If A students needs another permission slip, they should ask for an extra copy at the front office. Students can either send their form and money online or send in their money to Arrowhead via mail.
Senior Connor Flesch said, “I think that the Senior Party will be fun, because it is going to be the last time that everyone is together and graduation is the next day so it will be a good time.”
Senior Jake Stemper said, “It will be bittersweet because we will remember all of the good times we had during high school but also realize that high school is over and that is kind of sad.”
Senior Derek Laasch said, “I can’t believe how fast this year and high school in general went. Everything from freshman year to the start of senior year was kind of a blur to me.”
Senior Luke Dubnicka said, “I think it will be a good way to end high school and look back and remember all of the good and bad memories of high school.”