Arrowhead Students Endure the Stress of College

College posters in study hall.
As the first semester comes to an end seniors, have only one semester of their high school careers left. Then, students could be on his or her own, in a whole new city, living on his or her own, which can cause stress. stated,
“The study from the Center for Collegiate Mental Health at Penn State surveyed more than 100,000 students nationwide at 140 colleges and universities. College counseling centers are responding to increasing demands for services and many students have had previous experience with mental health issues. Among those students seeking help at a counseling center, about 19 percent had attended counseling and nearly 9 percent had taken prescription medication prior to coming to college, and more than a quarter had seriously considered attempting suicide at least once”
Some kids at Arrowhead high school say they are stressing about college.
Senior Meaghan Esser said, “I am ready to live alone and ready for the real life, but I am most stressed about how much studying and school work that I am going to have to do.”
Senior Mimi Bradley said, “Being far away from home will probably stress me out the most, but otherwise I think I am ready for everything else that college throws at me.”
Senior Lucas Betancourt said, “I am very excited for college, however, I am going to miss my friends the most and my family because I will be at least four hours away from home, so I wont be able to make too many trips back home.” He also added, “Finding the right roommate I think will be stressful as well as just adapting to my new lifestyle and new people in my life.
Senior Ian Melnick said, “I think that the amount of studying that I have to do will stress me out and probably adapting to dorm life would stress me out the most.” He also added that “Depending on the roommate that I end up with, that could also add a lot of stress to my college life.”
A common concern for kids going into freshman year in college, is getting a bad roommate. However, there are websites like, that help students find a perfect match, instead of hoping they will get a good roommate.
Senior Jake Stemper said, “I will be playing soccer at Concordia, so I will be rooming with a teammate which should end up working out well and is a lot less stressful because I don’t have to worry about ending up with a bad roommate.”