Students Walk Between Campuses for Classes

Students walking up from the South campus for classes up at the North campus
Arrowhead High School is split into two different campuses: North campus and South campus. North Campus houses the junior and senior students, which means higher-level classes are at North, along with other electives. South campus students might come to North to take more advanced classes (Spanish 3,4 and AP, Chemistry, Physics, etc.).
Whether it is 95 degrees outside or 35 degrees and raining, students walk from campus to campus, underneath the football bleachers.
Sophomore Emma Mengwasser says she is “so thankful” that she has Chemistry, at North class for her last hour. She doesn’t know if she could walk in the middle of the day everyday. “It would be so hard getting to class on time back down at South!”
It takes about five minutes to walk in between the two campuses, which is about 220 yards, according to Google Maps.
The only doors that are open during school hours are the front office doors at both campuses for safety reasons, said the administrators.
Students walk between campuses at all hours of the day, including “zero.” Students that have to many classes in their schedule to take gym during the regular hours have to take gym class hour “zero” at the North campus, which is 40 minutes in the morning before school starts.
North campus starts ten minutes later than the South campus, allowing students from the South campus to walk up and not be late.
Sophomore Davis Nunnally walks up to the North campus for his gym class in the middle of the day, every other day. He says his teacher, Jeff Staus, lets them out earlier so that they students from the South campus have time to walk down.
Nunnally says he has no preference in the time he walks up, because he “doesn’t enjoy the walk, nor does he hate it,” all that matters is getting to class on time at the South campus.
Mengwasser enjoys walking up to the North campus. She says it gives her time to “clear her head, and think about the rest of her day.” She also likes having her last class at the North campus because she is in cross country, and she can go straight to the locker room to change rather than walking after her last period at the South campus.
During the winter months, if it is snowing hard or below freezing temperatures Arrowhead provides a shuttle that runs back and forth from the North campus to the South campus, but students run the risks of being late to class.
Sophomore Lily Stemper says she “absolutely” loathes going walking up to the North campus. She says she wishes that they shuttles ran all school year long and that they were more reliable, because gets “really worried about getting to class ahead of time.”