Arrowhead Students Show School Spirit in Homecoming Pep Rally

Arrowhead West gym
Arrowhead will have their Homecoming dance on Saturday, October 7th. The week before was filled with activities and events for the Arrowhead students to participate in.
To start the week on Sunday, October 1st, there was the homecoming parade that included many different school teams and groups. The parade went through downtown Hartland and ended up at Arrowhead.
Also, the school had dress up days for the kids through the week. For example, Monday was pajama or college sweatshirt day. On Tuesday it was ugly sweater day, where all of the kids will try to find their old Christmas sweaters or any ugly sweater that they own. On Wednesday, students dressed up for Hawaiian day. Thursday was jersey day, so kids wore their Arrowhead sports jerseys or their favorite sports teams jersey. Finally on Friday, i was a red out, as the students prepare for the home football game at 7:00pm.
The homecoming game is very important for the football team, as they need to win the next two games to make the playoffs.
The pep rally took place during the school day on Friday, and will have events including the student versus teachers basketball game.
Some of the teachers involved will be Christopher Martin, who teaches functions as well as advanced math and statistics, and Tim Tower who teaches sociology as well as western civilization, along with a handful of other teachers. There will be 10 total teachers on the list and there will be 21 students on the team. This year, the students will have four total varsity basketball players.
Mitchell Dassow, a senior at Arrowhead says, “I think that we have the best chance to win out of any grade before us. I think we will win by a good margin.”
On Friday, the schedule was modified for the pep rally which happened before seventh hour. The classes were shortened to 32 minutes per period, allowing enough time for all of the pep rally to be completed.
At the pep rally, seniors sat on the east side bleachers and the juniors sat on the west side bleachers.
The teachers have never lost in the annual game against the students, However the kids are excited to try and get their first win ever.
The teachers will be without their star player, Coach Hoch, who is arguably the best basketball player at the school.
Senior at Arrowhead, Matthew Tarnow, says “I think that the teachers will find a way to win, just like every other year.”
The coach for the students this year will be Max Marsalli, who is one of the leaders of the gators, however, he will not be playing in the game.
After the pep rally concluded students returned to their 7th hour classes.
After school, the football game will be played at home at 7:00 against Mukwonago which is a must win for arrowhead as they need 2 wins in a row to advance to the playoffs.
The homecoming dance will be at 7:30 up until 10:30, and that will sum up all of homecoming week.