Arrowhead Marching Warhawks Drum Majors Decided

AHS marching band directors, Jacob Polancich and Benjamin Pomeroy, recently named Arrowhead seniors Patrick Folvag and Elaina Nelson as their 2017-2018 season drum majors. Arrowhead seniors Seamus Prendergast and Kayla Janke were also named by directors as field captains, another leadership position throughout the season.
“It’s going to be an experience of a lifetime,” says Nelson, “that’s for sure. Music is all I’ve ever done, and I’m so happy to share my love of music with others.”
According to the Marching Warhawks website, the Marching Warhawks work together as a team to support the Arrowhead Warhawks during the football season. The band’s drum majors direct all sections of the band and are looked to as leaders.
“They’re helpful and always friendly,” says band member Danny Jensen. “It helps that they’re also students who were previously in marching band so they know what’s up.”
According to the Marching Warhawks website, Folvag and Nelson take the reins over their fellow Marching Warhawks at their summer camp beginning July 24. The site also mentions that, throughout the week, Folvag and Nelson will help over one hundred freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors learn to march, memorize their music, and energize a crowd.
Catch Folvag, Nelson, and the rest of the Marching Warhawks at the opening home football game on August 18 as Arrowhead takes on Marquette at 7 pm CDT.