Warm Weather Affects Students Moods

Photo taken of a warm day taken.
As Wisconsin nears the end of April, the weather is starting to spike to high 60’s and low 70’s. According to USA Today, the first day of spring was March 20th. However, the temperatures in southeastern Wisconsin have remained low up until mid April when high’s were up to 75 degrees.
“The temperatures lately have been amazing. I run or practice lacrosse outside everyday. All of my favorite summer places like The Kiltie and Wholly Cow are opening up and everyone is outside it just makes me so happy to be one step closer to summer,” says freshman Hunter Phillips.
According to bustle.com, Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, is most common in October through April. This is because there is less sunlight during those months and when the body isn’t exposed to enough sunlight it becomes sleepy and therefore more depressed according to Marion Bernstein.
Students at Arrowhead, such as sophomore Emma Quinn and Phillips, believe that the warm weather makes them happier and more energized.
“Being able to get up and not having to put on a heavy winter coat puts me in such a good mood because it makes me think that summer is coming soon. I hate having to warm my car up and still shivering even after it’s been warming up for 15 minutes. Just being warm puts me in a better mood and makes me more energized for school and sports,” says Quinn.
According to sophomore Emily Wood, students who walk up to North Campus have to walk in cold weather every day, so many students are much happier to be walking in warmer weather.
“It takes me about 10 minutes to walk from South Campus to North Campus and I know that doesn’t seem like that long, but when it’s freezing cold or raining, it can be terrible. When Wisconsin started to warm up, I was so happy because it makes walking and doing other stuff like sports a lot more fun,” says Wood.
Students like Wood, Quinn, and Phillips all participate in Arrowhead sports. Wood plays soccer, Quinn plays field hockey, and Phillips plays lacrosse. According to Phillips, even though sports are always fun, the warm weather “doesn’t make it seem like work it makes it seem like we are always doing something fun and all the players are a lot happier.”
Even for students who don’t participate in sports, such as sophomore Macy Francisco, the warm weather is still appreciated. Francisco says that driving with the windows down and being able to wear shorts and a t-shirt is relaxing.
“There is something about just being in warm weather that puts me in such a good mood. I feel way more relaxed. I don’t play any sports but I walk my dog outside and I go get coffee with friends and we can sit outside. It’s the simple stuff that really makes a difference in my mood,” says Francisco.