New Netflix Series “13 Reasons Why” Launches

The Netflix series 13 Reasons Why being played on a chromebook.
13 Reasons Why is a novel written by Jay Asher. The novel was released in 2007 but the Netflix series was released on March 31st, 2017. The show was created by Brian Yorkey and is classified as a Netflix original.
The first season is 13 episodes long. Main characters consist of Clay Jensen played by Dylan Minnette, Hannah Baker played by Katherine Langford, and Mrs. Baker played by Kate Walsh.
Students such as sophomores Rachel Diel and Macy Francisco are huge 13 Reasons Why fans.
“I love the show. Honestly, as a teen in high school it’s really interesting to compare to show to my own life. I also love the actor and even though she committed suicide which is awful, her personality is admirable. I’m not much of a reader so I didn’t read the book but I really like the show,” says Francisco.
The novel is based off a high school student Hannah Baker who committed suicide. Hannah mails tapes explaining her death to each person that played a part in her life. Clay Jensen is the last person to receive the tapes.
According to the New York Times online journal, the show can be seen as upsetting for younger watchers as it reveals graphic images and explanations involving rape and suicide. According to an anonymous review on, the show does not depict high school angst accurately because it gives off a message that it is possible to figure out why someone committed suicide and why they feel angst but in reality that’s almost impossible to figure out.
Some students such as Diel say that the book and show are both very good but differ in many ways.
“I read the book a few years ago and I loved it. The writer did an amazing job of making you feel like you’re a part of the story. I was really excited when I saw the advertisements for the new show and the executive producer, Selena Gomez was promoting it a lot so that made me really excited. I’ve already finished all the episodes that are out and I really like it. It wasn’t a lot like the book because I felt like I knew more about the side characters since I could put a face to a name. But I love them both,” says Diel.
According to, Gomez is a huge fan of the book and it was her mother who persuaded her to take on the project of making it a show. Gomez did not want to be in the show so she became the executive producer and is one of the main driving forces behind the show. She also contributed two songs to the soundtrack.
“I kind of like that Selena Gomez is involved in the show because it gave the show a lot more popularity and it’s cool to see a celebrity interested in a book talking about such serious social issues,” says Francisco.