Things To Do If You’re Stuck At Home On Spring Break

For many students, spring break entails traveling somewhere warm, away from home. However, other students stay in town either due to the high cost of traveling, timing conflicts, or because it is less work to stay at home.
This year, Arrowhead’s spring break is a full ten days beginning on April 8th, and carrying through April 17th. With ten days of no school, students who are remaining in town may find it hard to keep busy. This is due to the large numbers of students who leave town for spring break.
Despite the sudden shortage of teenagers in the Hartland area, there are still things to do to keep yourself busy during spring break if will stick around.
There are fitness centers in Hartland such as the Lake Country
Racquet & Athletic Club located South Industrial Drive. The Racquet club is open from 5 AM until 11 PM. The Racquet club offers many fitness activities such as tennis, aquatics, fitness training, group training, basketball, racquet ball, and pilates. Additionally, the Racquet club offers massages. A free “mini-membership” is offered online with the submission of a form. You must be with someone 23 years or older in order to visit the Racquet club with a mini-membership.
Another activity students could do over break is visit Soul Fire Art Studio. This store offers many activities that could keep students who are staying in town busy. Soul Fire Art Studio offers art projects such as glass fusing, paint-your-own-pottery, ceramic creation, board art, acrylic painting, precious metal clay, and glass painting. Each of the listed activities can be taught and completed at Soul Fire Art Studio. According to the website, there are a handful of projects that can be done for about $10-$15, and most of their projects ends up costing below or around $25.
Another fun thing to do close to home, is visit Laphem Peak Unit, Kettle Moraine State Forest. At Laphem Peak, authorization of a vehicle is $8 for a day pass. Laphem Peak is open from 6 AM to 9 PM. There is a viewing tower that looks over Delafield that visitors may climb, as well as hiking trails.
For the students staying home this spring break, there are fun and affordable things to do close to home.