Car Crash Occurs Before Arrowhead State Basketball Game

Student Section at the Arrowhead State basketball game, the night the crash occurred.
On Saturday March 18th, Arrowhead’s basketball team played in the division one championship state game against Stevens Point at the Kohl Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Hours before the game, a car crash occurred outside the Kohl Center.
According to, 26-year-old Daymon Frazier is suspected of committing a hit and run at 6:25 pm. Frazier’s car struck two pedestrians on West Dayton and North Frances Street and continued on to strike a light and other vehicles.
Some Arrowhead students such as sophomores Jake Kellerman and Abby Rick witnessed the accident.
“I was leaving Ian’s Pizza a block away from the Kohl Center and I heard car tires screeching really loud. I turned around and saw a car going super fast and driving recklessly. The car started speeding towards my sister and I and we had to jump out of the way so we wouldn’t get hit. Then the car hit a stop sign and knocked it over. The driver went into reverse and backed up towards another intersection full of people. They were all running away and he ended up hitting a lady. We saw her fly through the air. He ran over the lady and hit a stoplight which fell over and hit another car, then he sped away really fast. It was all really freaky,” says Rick.
Rick says she saw the driver pounding on his steering wheel and heard him playing really loud music from within his car.
According to, the suspect was booked into Dane County Jail. The women hit were not killed and one woman, an Arrowhead parent, was admitted with two broken legs. No further information has been released about the victims.
According to Kellerman, the driver seemed aggravated and out of control. Kellerman says everyone in the area was scared because it didn’t seem like an accident and no one knew what the driver was going to do next.
“The car sped really fast towards the women he hit. He seemed to be in no state of mind to legally drive because he has no idea how to follow the law unless hitting people was his intent,” says Kellerman.
Arrowhead’s basketball team lost to Stevens Point High School and finished second in the state a few hours after the car crash occurred.