Taking a Look at Relegations before the Last Two Weeks
During the first few weeks of relegations, there’s been no short supply of surprises and upsets. Before the last two weeks, it would probably be a good idea to give a summary of what’s happened so far.
In NA things seem mostly in order, but there are a few unexpected developments. Luminosity is at the top with ten points from three wins, one split and no losses. Not surprising considering that they were the best NA team last season. Eager’s in good form too with eight points from two wins, two splits and no losses. Then In Memory of Gabe and eUnited are tied for third with seven points from two wins, and one split each. This development goes against what many expected because last season, eUnited was at the bottom of the league, and In Memory of Gabe was a new team. Then you have Noble of all teams in fifth place. Considering that Noble only ever won a single game last season, this is a huge improvement. This is due in no small part to their acquisition of MLCst3ath who is considered a top tier mid laner. They currently have five points with one win, two splits and two losses. Tied for sixth is Flashpoint and SoaR, who have three points from one win and four losses each. SoaR seems to have fallen into obscurity. Finally at the bottom in eighth place, is Allegiance with one split and three losses giving them only one point. So much for Allegiance’s new roster being any good.
In EU, things seem to have been turned completely on their head from last season. At the top is Dignitas who was mediocre at best last season. But this season they have eleven points from three wins, two spits and zero losses. In second place is Obey, a finalist from SWC 2016. Right now they have ten points from three wins, one split and no losses.Tied with Obey is a new team called Valance Squad, with the same number of points and the same record. A trend of this season seems to be that the new teams are doing extremely well. In fourth is two time SWC champions NRG. Whatever magic they’d harnessed seems to have worn off because NRG is doing extremely poorly compared to their previous showings. Right now they have six points from one win, three splits and one loss. In fifth place (directly behind NRG) is another new team by the name of Lion Guard eSports. Currently they have five points from one win, two splits, and two losses. Behind them in sixth place is Elevate. Elevate has shown a rather large improvement between last season and now as they’re taking games off of teams considered to be better such as Valance and NRG. Right now they sit with three points from no wins, three splits and one loss. Next is Cyclone in seventh place. Not much to say here. They’re looking about the same as ever. Right now they have two points from zero wins, two splits and two losses. Finally at the bottom you have Sanguine. Not surprising because the rumor of their new roster turned out to be only a rumor. They sit with zero points from zero wins, zero splits and four losses.
During the season, the company for the team Enemy fell on hard times before disbanding entirely. The team was left in the SPL, but they no longer have a sponsor. They are now playing under the name eUnited, and they’re playing much better than they did the previous season. So it’s only a matter of time before they get picked up by another company.
Though it’s not too certain how he next two weeks will unfold, it’s certain that we’ll be in for some interesting developments.