Senior Skip Day Supposedly on Monday, February 24th

Seniors may just find their heads resting here a little bit later than a usual Monday on February 27th.
As of Wednesday, February 22nd, rumors have been circulating whether or not the Arrowhead seniors will be participating in the traditional senior skip day on Monday, February 27th.
“The idea that was since seniors will already be off due to the juniors taking the ACT on the 28th and the 1st, why not turn the week into an extended weekend? This way, there’s no awkward day where we have to go to school in between being off on Tuesday and Wednesday. Not to mention, we really have no other break until spring break after the junior’s ACT sessions, so it made sense to propose another long weekend prior to heading into a month with all five-day weeks,” said senior Sam Yundt.
Yundt says he is the orchestrator of this movement for skipping on Monday.
“After we took the class picture on Wednesday, I thought that’d be a prime time to yell it out to as many people as I could at one time and get the word out,” Yundt says.
There are, however, several conflicts that come with the skip on Monday. With a handful of tests scheduled across several classes, as well as labs and projects, some staff members say they are in a bit of pickle.
“Mr. Zuercher ranted at us in class today [about] how making Monday the skip day is a bad idea. He said we were doing a lab that day and it is in our best interest to be here Monday. He also was making an argument that it was bad planning because it’s not going to be a nice day on Monday anyway,” said senior Jeremy Mason. “That really didn’t make me change mind, though, because I never planned on going outside anyway regardless of when we do the skip day. Also, for Mr. Freeburg’s organizational communications class, we have a group skit on Monday. And if you’re gone, your group members have to present for you and you get the grade they get. If my group ends up being all seniors, I might need to end up coming on Monday, though.” .
In the time since the idea was pitched, a poll has gone out to all seniors via their school gmails on whether or not the skip day should be on Monday, February 27th. As of now, the responses are essentially split 50/50.
Another factor that makes Monday seem like a good candidate for the skip day is that if Arrowhead’s boys’ hockey team wins again this week, they advance to the state tournament on Thursday. Given that the sport has garnered enough support for a handful of students going to the tournament in Madison to support the team, that could mean a fourth consecutive day off for the seniors.
“I feel like creating this extended weekend on Monday and possibly Thursday as well. It’s making up for the shortened winter break we got to close out December which was much shorter than in years past. Also, since spring break is about halfway through April, which is relatively distant, it sounds rather pleasing to have this many days off before having an excruciatingly full March and start of April,” senior Connor Bergersen says.