Reviewing Rosterpocolypse 2017
Rosterpocolypse has become a yearly event in the Smite Pro League that takes place after the SWC. Every year, if a team doesn’t win (which is why NRG still isn’t changing their roster) they have a tendency to split up or to kick players. Here’s some of the major changes to rosters that have happened during the rosterpocalypse.
Let’s start off with NA. Two of the best mid laners have been kicked off of their teams. Xenotronics was kicked off of Luminosity and MLCst3alth was kicked off Allegiance. No reason was given for Xenotronics, but the players on Allegiance said that st3alth was too toxic (toxic means passive aggressive or angry) and therefore messed up their synergy. Marauder retired from Enemy, and EnVyUs fully disbanded likely due to them losing most of their players to Allegiance just before Worlds. Neirumah, BenjI and Homlefe were all kicked off of Flashpoint GG and Baskin, Snoopy and Metyanky were kicked off of SoaR. Baskin and Snoopy were two of SoaR’s allstars which makes these kicks very surprising.
In EU things are equally crazy. Pandalike was kicked off of Obey while Variety went to Sanguine from Obey. Moreover, Qvofred and Trixtank both left Bipolar Method (because Orbit dropped the roster) for Sanguine. Moreover Cringe Crew fully disbanded with ShaggyShenk retiring and Zyrhoes also going to Sanguine. With all of these extremely experienced players flocking to Sanguine, they might have an even better year than they did the year before. But of course Sanguine has to make some decisions as to who they’re going to keep, so they kicked Nika, TheDarkDodo, Cherryo and Murrdurr. Then on Elevate, WorldEdit retired and on Dignitas Suntouch is going on hiatus.
This is yet unconfirmed but BaRRaCCuDDa let slip on stream that Baskin was joining in place of Xenotronics (it’s unclear if he’s switching roles or if LG’s current solo laner will switch or something else). If this is true, then LG is looking even better for next year having some of the best players to ever play Smite.
AHS student Ryan Tate weighs in saying “I think[Baskin wi]ll switch to mid, because he’s overrated as a solo laner.”
Based solely on what the rosters look like now, I predict that Sanguine and Luminosity will be playing in the grand finals for SWC 2018. But of course Rosterpocalypse isn’t fully over yet, and there’s no way to predict with much accuracy this far in advance.