Best and Worst Parts of Holiday Season
With the holiday season and winter break just under a week away, Arrowhead students are getting ready to celebrate and relax over break. At Arrowhead High School, Winter Break starts Friday, December 23rd and goes through Monday, January 2nd. The primary reason behind the excitement, with the exception to the holiday itself, is getting time off of school.
“My favorite part of the holidays would probably have to be Christmas festivities in general. I like just getting to spend some time with my family and getting to eat delicious meals, do presents and stuff, and just getting to lounge around the house for a week or so without any major concerns,” says senior Zach Kriehn.
“My least favorite part is that before we get off for break we’re kind of bombarded with tests, quizzes, final assessments, etc., which can kind of diminish the joy a little. I wish we did what colleges do by having finals and ending the semester before we take off on break. That way the little concerns had over break would become virtually no concerns,” Kriehn said.
“I’d say the best part of Christmas break is just getting to chill for a solid amount of time before the semester ends and getting to do essentially whatever for like a week. I prefer it when it’s cold though so then I can go play hockey at Lisbon Park with my friends. We could do that pretty much all day,” says senior Emik Vayts.
Every winter, when temperatures drop low enough, Lisbon Park freezes over a section of pavement about a quarter mile into their main entrance. There, members of the community are open to free skate or play hockey during park hours which are daylight hours.
“I don’t really have a least favorite part of the holidays but I guess it’d have to be that after like five or six days or so I kind of run out of things to do and get kind of bored, but it still definitely beats school.” Vayts said.
“I enjoy just sitting on my couch and watching Christmas movies while drinking hot chocolate. Not having any immediate obligations is always so nice. I’d say that pretty much everything about Christmas is really fun in general,” said sophomore Brooke Gohde.
“My only complaint is when I have to work over break. Not to mention driving in the snow. That’s never fun. The good thing is that I’m not scheduled too many days over the next week so that’s good,” said Gohde.
In general, Arrowhead students, say the are excited for time off before finals as they are for the holidays themselves.
“Even though we essentially just got off of Thanksgiving break, it’s been kind of a tough gap of time at school between a bunch of tests, assignments, etc. I know teachers are trying to make it so there’s not much we need to do over break other than studying, but it just feels like every night I have a truckload of stuff to complete,” senior Jack Vento says.
“I’m going to try and savor this break as much as I can because after finals, that gap of time between the end of January and until Spring Break, we only have like one four day weekend I think. And due to that, that time slot feels like the longest, slowest part of the year and with graduating and all this year, I’d venture to say it’s going to drag on even slower,” said Vento.