Amazon Takes Delivery To The Skies

Picture of an amazon shipping box
Amazon has been working on drones that are capable of carrying any shipment and being able to deliver it to the desired destination. According to Wired News, the United States agreed that they do not want to have drone deliveries yet. This is do to the fact that the FAA’s rules on commercial flying requires a pilot and the drones are flying out of the sight of citizens. Because the drones do not meet the requirements, the U.S Air Force States that the drones are not welcome to fly in U.S airspace so Amazon started to deliver packages by drones in England. Amazon is not the only company that had problems with the drone delivery system. Domino’s was also forced to use their new drone shipment for pizza’s in a different country until the guidelines are met for the United States.
Amazon designed the drones be guided by GPS and hover below around four hundred feet. So far there are a Amazon reportes that there are only two customers that are allowed to purchase Amazon items with the delivery of shipment drones. The drones are only able to fly in daytime and in good weather.
Amazon reported on Wired News that there are going to be different test trials and efforts to try and make the drones able to fly in the United states. The guidelines are stated to be hart to follow but they are giving the best effort to get the.
“I really wish that there could be drones in the United states that could deliver packages,” says Germantown student Rachel Hucker. “It would be really cool to see a drone land on my driveway to deliver my package.”
“It would be really cool if I could get my package from a drone,” says Greendale student, Nick Russell. “I really hope they will be able to fly in the United states. If they can get people to remote control them and lower the elevation of their flight then maybe they will be allowed to fly here. I heard also heard that the gas station, Seven Eleven and Domino’s was taking place in drone delivery. Domino’s didn’t pass the regulations but for some reason there was a Seven eleven that was able to bend the airspace rules and deliver donuts to local customers by drones.
“It seems so futuristic that soon we could be seeing little drones flying around, giving us our mail,” says Germantown student Kylie Blemne. “If Amazon could change the way the drones fly, it seems like the drones will be able to fly in our country. It’s probably more fast than regular mail takes because it’s a direct shipment”
“Those are two very lucky customers over in England,” says Germantown student, Colt stone. I would give anything to have a drone fly over to my house to drop off the things I’ve ordered from Amazon. It would be super cool if Domino’s could use their drones to drop off pizza. I hope both of these companies are going to be able to fly in our country because it would be really awesome to have deliveries by drones. It would be fast too which is a big advantage for the companies.”
Amazon reported that there is still a lot more o improve on the drones to be able to make them allowed in U.S airspace. They are doing so and are planning to have this happen in the near future.