High School Students with Jobs Self-fund

Job Finding Website
High school can be one of the most stressful times of our lives as teenagers try to balance school, friends, sports, club activities, and jobs.
Though the expenses faced by high school students are nowhere near the magnitude of the expenses faced in an adult’s life, there are still certain excursions that must be self funded.
Many job opportunities are ruled out for highschool students due to age restrictions as well as levels of education and other qualifications. Examples of jobs that most high school students cannot have include bartending, serving (in the vast majority of restaurants), employment at many gas stations (due to the sale of tobacco products), and even Bath and Body works has a minimum age of 18 for all employees.
On top of this, the large majority of well-paying jobs require further education than high school.
Though Arrowhead is often viewed as one of the wealthiest schools in the state, due to the large football stadium, on campus ice rink, two campuses, and our on campus swimming pool, many students at Arrowhead have jobs.
According to moneycrashers.com, some of the best part time jobs for highschool students include arts and crafts production and sales (such as Board&Brush in downtown Hartland), babysitting, car wash attendant, clerical office work for a local business, and warehouse and distribution management.
Though some of these jobs seem unfamiliar to the average teen, Hartland has a large industrial park located off of North Shore drive with many local businesses.