Arrowhead to Hold Blood Drive December 9th

Students and the public can donate blood at Arrowhead on December 9th

Arrowhead High School is holding a blood drive on Friday, December 9th. The blood drive is something Arrowhead annually holds through the BloodCenter of Wisconsin. The drive will be held from 8am to 1pm in the West gym at North Campus.

Students are able to sign up for the drive at North Campus November 28 through December 8th during 5th and 6th hour lunch, and from December 5th through the 8th at South Campus. The drive; however, is open to the public, and not just Arrowhead students.

“It’s a fulfilling, powerful and enriching experience to know that your donation could save lives. Unfortunately, fewer than five percent of people who are eligible to donate actually do. Imagine the lives that could be touched by your gift. It’s a quick, simple and amazing way to give back to the community,” says the BloodCenter of Wisconsin according to

According to the BloodCenter of Wisconsin’s website, students of Arrowhead must be at least 17 years of age; however, 16 year olds can participate with parental consent. Students must weigh at least 110 lbs and be free of cold, flu, illness symptoms. A photo ID with birth date must also be present. Also, donors cannot have had hepatitis after age one, or any risk or behaviors associated with HIV/ AIDS.

Matthias Woods, a senior at Arrowhead High School, says, “I participated in the blood drive last year and it was a really rewarding feeling knowing I was helping people by doing something so simple as giving some blood. It was also really nice because I received a free pint of ice cream after I donated.”

Students along with being over 110 pounds, must be of a certain “healthy” weight for their age group. Donors, also according to the BloodCenter of Wisconsin, will undergo a mini exam regarding their health.

Ellie Taubner, a senior at Arrowhead, says, “The process was really simple and definitely worth it. I gave blood last year and plan to do it again this year. I think it’s really great that Arrowhead offers this opportunity for its students and the public as well. Plus it’s free and all the people running the drive are so friendly. Blood is something that I think a lot of people take for granted, so having the opportunity to help those in need is one that I think everyone should take up. I also know in the past kids got Picnic Basket subs/ pints of ice cream for participating.”

Any questions regarding the blood drive can be brought to math teacher and Student Senate advisor Trina Bower at [email protected] or Social studies teacher, Tamara Varsos, at [email protected].

Appointments are not necessary but encouraged according to the BloodCenter of Wisconsin.

Donors can post their donation selfies on the BloodCenter of Wisconsin’s facebook page ( or twitter ( with the hashtag #ImAHero.