What to Look Forward to Before 2016 Says Goodbye

In a tug of war between years, 2017 is about to conquer but 2016 will hold onto us for now.

With twenty-nine days remaining before the calendars flip to 2017, a plethora of Arrowhead students find themselves still having something or several things to look forward to.

“I would say I’m most looking forward to Christmas break. I that of all things that’s probably the best thing to look forward to. Ending the year off on a break is always great. Not having to go to work or school is always super nice,” says senior Carson Kennedy.

“Coming off of a long Thanksgiving Break, then only having to go to school for three weeks before another big break, is also really awesome. I plan on taking things pretty easy over break. Then again, if it gets cold enough while we’re off of school me and some friends plan on going to Lisbon Park to play hockey as well as get in some off-season training in for track.” Boys and Girls Track and Field at Arrowhead begins on March 6th, 2017.

“In addition to that, Martin Scorsese, who I’m a big fan of has a new movie, Silence, coming out during that time so I might see that,” said Kennedy. Silence hits theaters December 23rd, 2016 and showtimes at the local theaters of Marcus Hillside in Delafield and Marcus Majestic in Brookfield are yet to be posted.

Seniors Eli Audley and Connor Bergersen said they are excited for the heavily anticipated Star Wars spinoff, Rogue One.

“I’m a huge Star Wars fan and I’m eager to see how this movie, being a spinoff and all, stacks up against last year’s The Force Awakens. I’ve seen all the trailers several times over and I’ve already got my ticket for opening weekend,” Audley says.

“I think it’s going to be really good. It’s probably been my highest anticipated movie this year with the exception of maybe Captain America: Civil War, but it’s close. That being said, I’m really hoping it lives up to my expectations which are pretty high,” Bergersen says. Rogue One has shows as early as December 15th, 2016 at Delafield’s Hillside at 7 p.m. Same goes for Brookfield’s Majestic Theater.

“I guess I’m most excited for Christmas because it’s always just a fun holiday. With all crazy and bad things that have happened over this past year I think we need Christmas to wash some of the bad taste 2016 has left in our mouth before 2017 rolls around,” says senior Garrett Evans.

“In general, I’m looking forward to our break the most because we’re off of school, and then when we come back, there’s only a few weeks before the semester’s over which means I’m closer to graduation and getting out of this place,” says senior Matt Bringe.

Out of fifteen students surveyed, eleven said they are most looking forward to Christmas break in a vague sense or a specific event over the break. Of those eleven, six said Christmas Day was their most anticipated event remaining in 2016. Two said they were most excited for a destination vacation they are embarking on over break and the remaining three said they just are eager to get off of school for a while before the semester’s end. The four outliers were all Star Wars fans heavily enthralled by Rogue One’s release of December 16th.