Political Uproar Breaks Out at Arrowhead

Twitter Trend.
The 2016 Presidential Election and its results have the student body of Arrowhead High School in a frenzy.
On November 8, students were publicly displaying their beliefs through social media, apparel, stickers, and other accessories. Of course, conflicting interests among the students became apparent very quickly.
Arguments over social media were shown as an Arrowhead Junior retweeted “RT If You Knew Americans Were Stupid But You Didn’t Think It Was This Bad.”
Students have been posting considerably offensive things on social media accounts, as a result of the decided presidential elect.
One junior student posted a photo saying that due to the election of Donald Trump, “we mourn the freedom of LGBTQIAP members, minorities, the mentally ill, and the underprivileged. Under the ruling of pure hatred, we have no choice but to persevere…”
The post has since gained over 200 comments of conflicting students political opinions.
An Arrowhead senior replied to the post by saying, “Also you guys talk about how Trump is so pivoted against gays and LGBT community but do you forget that she has been grounded on the fact that marriage should be between a man and a woman that is what she has always believed and she voted against gay marriage years ago, have you ever considered that someone (who’s been a politician for so long) is prone to lying and doing whatever she thinks will get her the votes. She does not love gays or really even back then with a whole heart she would simply approve and look past you as long as you gave her your votes. A victory for Hillary would not have been a victory for your community nor would it have been a victory for the vast majority of our country. Just consider these things before you back her up as if she’s a saint.”
During lunch on election day, I witnessed a girl rip a Trump-Pence sticker off the chest of a boy across from her.
The chaos caused by a national affair in which over 80% of the student population is not allowed to participate in, was wildly larger than expected.
Over the past few days the arguments have remained, as Hillary supporters remain upset over their loss, and Trump supporters remain smitten with victory.
Among the Trump supporters, and Hillary supporters, there is the “I don’t care” crowd. These are the students who have displayed their disinterest in any form of political discussion during school hours.
Whomever you support, after this week, most are wishing to end the ongoing topic of the 2016 Presidential Election.