Construction in Downtown Delafield Negatively Impacts Residents and Businesses

Sally’s Sweet Shoppe Sign in front of construction on Genesee Street
According to Delafield resident Karen Phillips, construction on Genesee Street and bordering streets in Delafield, WI, began on June 6th, 2016. Genesee Street is currently a one way street, causing congested traffic during rush hour. Since then, bridge construction and restoration from Mill Street to St. John’s, a street bordering Genesee street, has concluded.
Businesses such as Sally’s Sweet Shoppe get the worst of the loud noise and torn up roads as the construction is occurring right in front of their shops. Sally’s Sweet Shoppe is a bakery filled with candies and pastries located in Delafield at 810 Genesee Street.
“It is perfectly awful. Our sales dropped in half starting the day the construction barrels went up. My bakery is bleeding money right now as they say and that is no exaggeration,” says owner Tracey, who is also referred to as Sally, from Sally’s Sweet Shoppe.
According to Sally, the Post Office reports that their sales are down 40%.
Other businesses and restaurants, such as Angelina’s on Milwaukee Street, use this as an opportunity to turn a bad situation into a good one. Angelina’s, an italian restaurant one street over from Genesee Street, now offers a 20% discount Monday through Thursday on every customer’s meal due to the construction.
According to Sally, Sally’s Sweet Shoppe learn to accommodate with the construction by using social media such as their Facebook page, @sallyssweetshoppetoo, and their previous reputation at the Genesee Depot to keep the bakery running.
“We have cut employee hours. We will be switching to winter hours in the bakery, which further cuts employee hours/payroll. We also actively use social media to promote ourselves as that is a free source of marketing. If it weren’t for social media and our reputation from the last six years of being open in Genesee Depot, there is no way my bakery would have survived thus far. We have done many community giveaways and events such as reading over the summer event that the library does for kids. We have coupons for free items, half price sales,” says Sally.
According to R.A. Smith National Construction Status, a construction surveying site, there will be even more of a traffic delay beginning on October 17th. Pulverizing and grading operations will begin from Oakwood to Mill Street and the sidewalk across from County Road C will be closed.
Delafield residents like Phillips feel that the construction on Genesee Street is an inconvenience. According to Phillips, a five minute drive can turn into a 20 minute drive with the construction.
“I have to take another route which takes much longer and is is an inconvenience because I feel like it’s taking too long, it could’ve been done much faster,” says Phillips.
Other businesses like LakeFarm Furnishings agree that the construction is a major inconvenience according to owner, Candy Treml. LakeFarm Furnishings is a vintage antique store located at 814 N Genesee Street in Delafield. Treml says that some people have to drive four blocks in a big circle in order to access their parking. Treml also lugs a sandwich board out on the street corner everyday in hopes to attract more customers.
“I receive complaints about the construction. There’s not much I can say, except that I feel their pain. I explain that it’s supposed to be done around Thanksgiving time and that it will be beautiful when it’s done,” says Treml.