Freshmen’s New Journey

Welcome to Arrowhead!
Nervous? Scared? Excited? What are the freshmen feeling on their first week? Are they still nervous? Could they already feel comfortable in this new school environment?
Freshman student Cameron Schroeder says that he was nervous on the first day of school. He was getting lost and getting to know all of the new faces. Arrowhead is a much bigger school than the middle school, North Lake, he attended. North lake school is a much smaller school with much smaller halls and and classrooms, it also has much less students than Arrowhead has.
Meeting new people can be stressful if you can’t find a group with the same interests, according to sophomore, Joseph Fredrickson. New freshman student, cameron schroeder, is joining clubs and talking to new people. After the whole experience, he has managed to find and make new friends.” Walking into the door of a new school is both exciting and absolutely nerve racking.” “When I walked through the halls on the first day, I didn’t know what to think of the classes. My teachers at the older school said it was going to be much harder so I wasn’t sure what to think,” says schroeder. “The teachers were so wrong. All of my teachers are very easy and nice. The classes are even more easy then I thought they would be.” Schroeder was prepared for a hard trip in high school, but now he is very less stressed and happy to be in Arrowhead to start his new adventure. “Many other students feel the same way. They feel nervous or scared of what high school is going to be like. Arrowhead high school is a very good school. There are many clubs for the students to join. Freshmen should have no problem finding new friends. They can join clubs and meet all sorts of people. All they really have to do is try and there is a guarantee that they will make new friends.” According to Fredrickson.
Another student had similar thoughts about his first experience going into high schools. Freshman student, Jonah Fredrickson, says he was also nervous but more excited to have a fresh start and meet new people. Especially at the Wings program for all of the new freshmen.
Fredrickson attended North Lake before Arrowhead. “I honestly can’t wait to start arrowhead, it’s going to be so much better,” says Fredrickson. “I can finally meet more people like me.” Fredrickson thought of Arrowhead to be harder classes and harder teachers. He now realizes he was prepared for much worse going into Arrowhead.
“ feeling nervous is perfectly natural for freshmen who are just starting out. It’s hard to know what to expect if we haven’t seen anything before but now we have and most of us are feeling much better about our new school. After all, many of the freshmen students have taken the wings program before school started, making some of the fright go away,” says Fredrickson
“ For all of you eighth graders feeling scared about their next year as a freshmen, don’t be, you’re in for a new fresh start in a great school,” says Schroeder.