Opinions on the Arrowhead Parking Lot: How do the Students Feel?

Students leaving the Parking Lot at Arrowhead High School.
Ten minutes after the Arrowhead Union High School bell rings, students are trapped in the traffic at Arrowhead High School. Cars trapped in all directions—north, south, east, and west. The Arrowhead has been home to many accidents each year. There are students who have had a long day who just want to get home, and students who are in a rush to get to the next lot over where their sports practice is located after school.
There is not one specific line to leave when exiting the main North Campus lot. In the Arrowhead parking lot, there are five main lots. In each of the lots, there are two ways to exit. Autumn Barnette, who is a junior at Arrowhead believes that the Arrowhead parking lot is where most accidents occur on campus. She says “there are about 20 cars normally built up in the lines, causing it to take twenty minutes to exit the parking lot.” She also thinks that “in order for everyone to get out on time after school, each student needs to take turns and let the other cars in.”
Barnette states “I have not yet had a bad experience” but she “would like to see the parking lot expanded so that more people can park closer to the school and not have to park by the mullet or the tennis courts.” She believes that implementing a “traffic cop” or someone who is directing traffic would help the students get out faster and more efficiently.
Jenna Nyhouse, who is a senior at Arrowhead says she has not yet had a bad experience in the parking lot, but she states that “more exits from the parking lot to prevent a backup of traffic flow would severely help the mess that makes up the Arrowhead parking lot.”