Students Adventure Around the State

Picture from the top of the observatory tower in mid April.

With summer vacation in full effect, students take adventures around the state during the week. Whether it’s going on a hike, cliff jumping, or just having a lake day, Wisconsin offers hiking, the enjoyment of nature, and new experiences for the adventuresome person.

Lapham Peak offers beautiful scenery and delightful hiking trails. Lapham Peak is located on Highway C in Delafield and is open from 6am to 9pm year round. For those who don’t have a state forrest vehicle admission sticker, the price daily is $8 or $5 for one hour at the park. With a state forrest vehicle admission sticker,  the price is $28 annually. When asked, multiple students believed that regardless of the price, the thing everyone seems to go to Lapham for is the observatory tower that looks out over the state park itself, but also the surrounding cities.

Another go to spot is Paradise Springs in  Eagle. Located on County Highway N, north of Highway 59, the trail is open from 6am to 11pm and have the same prices as Lapham. According to DNR website, the trail is half a mile long and paved. Paradise Spring offers a trout pond and a Springhouse that is great for capturing the perfect picture. The Springhouse offers a five-foot, deep spring with insanely clear water, according to reviews on the location’s website. Prices are the same as Lapham and Devil’s Lake.

If one was looking to have a day on the lake with a nice hike, Devil’s Lake would be the place to be. Located in Baraboo on State Highway 123, prices remain the same as the two locations listed above, as well as having the same hours as Paradise Springs. According the the DNR website, Devil’s Lake is “the largest and third oldest state park in Wisconsin.” Allowing activities like, hiking, swimming, fishing, boating, and biking, to name a few, Devil’s Lake is a place for a day full of different activities.

Senior Sarah Oxley said, “I thought Lapham was boring and I don’t want to go back.” But her feelings towards Devil’s Lake were different–she also said that it was really pretty, so the transition from summer to fall made it really pretty and peaceful.

Junior Sophie Boler said, “Lapham Peak is my favorite place to go. I like going there because each day you might experience something new hiking along the trails.” She says the tower is her favorite part of Lapham because of the amazing views.