Teachers Pile-On Unit Tests Before Spring Break

Piled Up Assignments
With spring break just around the corner, students at Arrowhead High School have been feeling more stressed than ever as teachers announced test dates for the week prior to spring break.
The “just make it through this week” attitude was becoming harder and harder to hold, as this week proved to be a smaller version of finals.
Students, including myself, are feeling the wrath of procrastination. Our minds are set on our spring break destinations–and not our chapter test study guide. This need for a break has halted on the drive of most students.
This presents a question: would students feel more prepared for these assessments after break? Or would they rather just bite the bullet and get them over with so that they can relax over break?
Sophomore Tessa DeQuardo says, “I’ve had one [test] so far [this week], made up a missed one, and have two more [tests] before the week ends.”
DeQuardo says her tests are all in rigorous courses including Advanced Algebra, U.S. History, Spanish 3, and Biology.
“I feel prepared for all of them but math, because teachers usually throw curveballs for math tests. The biology test is open note, so I feel better about that than I would have if we couldn’t use notes.”