Finals Are Approaching Arrowhead Students

Here at Arrowhead, final exams are upon us. Arrowhead has a schedule on their website . The first three hours of the day have exams on Tuesday Jan. 19th, then hours four through seven have exams on wednesday Jan. 20th, and the last three periods have their exams on Thursday Jan. 21st. Arrowhead Students then have off on Friday Jan. 22nd.
A poll taken on 20 Arrowhead students shows that 100% of the sample think that finals weeks are the most stressful weeks of the years.
Time Magazine put together a list of their best tips for surviving finals week:
- Verify the details
- Get some sleep
- Stay active
- Eat well
- Experiment with different methods of studying
- Silence your social media accounts
The Author Brian Wittie says, “A strong finals week performance may seem impossible, but it is anything but. Set your worries and nerves aside, and remember to stay on task, work hard, eat well, and make time to rest. Soon, finals week will be over, and you can begin the summer confident that your grades will reflect the work you did all semester long.”
Diya Ramanathan, a Senior at Arrowhead said’ “I spend hours every night studying for my finals. Last year I got sick due to lack of sleep so this semester I am making sure that I put my health first.”
The ChildLine National Exam Stress Survey reported that 96% of the 1300 who completed the survey felt anxious about exams and revision, with 59% feeling pressure from their parents to do well and 64% saying they have never received and support in dealing with exams. It also reveals that almost half of students say they have skipped meals, two thirds of those surveyed said they have had trouble sleeping and 14% said they have drank alcohol as a way of dealing with exam anxiety.
Chelsea Farmer, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune said about high school finals, “when a grade hinges on just one test, it’s impossible to get a clear idea of someone’s true performance.” She was posing the question of whether finals are important. She goes on to say, “What if a student was just having a bad day due to stress and exhaustion (wonder why?) Is it fair for his or her grade to suffer?”
Senior Leah Stapleton said, “I think that finals should be different. I think that it would be nice if they were the same percent of your grade as all other tests, or smaller. It would be easier on everyone, the students and the teachers would feel less pressure at the end of each semester.”