Early Graduation Gains Popularity

Arrowhead Union High School allows seniors to graduate a semester early if they have the credits to do so. Often times, students will graduate early to work, start college, or to take a semester break between high school and college.
Bailey Schlehlein, a senior at Arrowhead, says, “I decided I wanted to graduate early because I’d like to work more hours at my current job. I’d like to be working a full time job if I’m able.”
Sammi Cantrell, a senior at Arrowhead, says, “High school has never really been my thing. I don’t think I could handle being here another full year.”
In order to graduate early, students must have the needed credits and also obtain a letter from their guidance counselor which asks for the signature of the guidance counselor, student, and the student’s parents. There is no specific date that the form is required to be turned in early, but the sooner the better. Early December would be the latest someone could turn it in.
Schlehlein says, “My parents fully support my decision to graduate early and be finished with school in January. I’m happy they support me but it’s ultimately been my decision.”
However, there is another option besides graduating in January — students can also opt to have an abbreviated schedule where they come to school at 7:30 a.m., but finish with their classes at lunch to go home or work.
Cantrell says, “I know some people who are doing the abbreviated schedule for next semester but it’s mostly because they needed the credits for only those classes to graduate. Personally, I still wouldn’t like waking up early enough to be here at 7:30 — so I’m glad I chose to graduate early instead.”
After graduating early, students are still able to walk in the graduation ceremony in June and they are also able to attend clubs or dances until June when the class graduates.
Cantrell said, “I might go to prom if my friends want to also, but other than that — I’m very happy I won’t have to sit in a desk for 8 hours a day anymore.”