Second Installment of Maze Runner is Released
The second installment of the Maze Runner series, The Scorch Trials (movie) came out in theaters Friday, September 18th. Starring Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodeelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, and Ki Hong Lee.
In Maze Runner, main actor Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) arrives in a glade at the center of a giant labyrinth. That is where all the youths are dropped off, having no memory of their previous life. At first it’s hard for the boys to accept him and fit in, but he eventually becomes part of the group. He demonstrates a unique perspective that scores him a promotion to be a Runner. A runner patrols the always moving maze to find an escape route. Teresa (Kaya Scodelario) arrives next, being the only female. And chaos starts from there.
The movie then ended with the cast escaping the maze, not knowing what is to come next. The gladers, thinking they’re being saved by men dressed in black that killed WCKD. It was planned for them to think they’re now safe but this leads to what happens next in Scorch Trials.
Thomas and the gladers face their greatest challenge: searching for clues about the mysterious organization called WCKD. An organization who controls the maze/trials. Their journey takes them to the Scorch, a desolate landscape filled with obstacles. Teaming up with other people, the gladers take on WCKD’s forces and uncover their plans for them.
The young actor has many teenage girls hearts throbbing.
Arrowhead Senior Lauren Overstreet says she liked the movie “mostly because of Dylan O’Brien.”
O’Brien is the main actor of the movie.
Overstreet says she wants “more Dylan” in The Scorch Trials.
Arrowhead Senior Taylor Radtke’s favorite actor in the film is also Dylan O’Brien. Radtke says, “I think I’ll like the movie because the first one was really good and I was really engaged. Super action filled.”
Lauren Overstreet also says that Maze Runner “was good,” and also thinks “it’s better than Scorch Trials.”
Maze Runner’s domestic total gross reached $102,427,862 according to Box Office Mojo. Fans gave it four in a half stars according to fandango. Scorch Trials kicked off in 21 international markets a week before it landed in theaters in North America where it is expected to open stronger than the first installment which opened to $32.5M last year.
After months of waiting for Scorch Trials to come out, I finally got to see it. The movie is not what I expected. I feel that it was a mix of a horror movie and the Divergent movie. Some parts I found myself jumping in my seat, covering my eyes, and being very nervous. Although it was a very dramatic movie, it had me almost tearing up. The movie was filled with action, zombie like people and lots of death. You definitely need to be able to handle seeing blood and hearing gun shots. The movie was on the longer side, but there wasn’t any scene you were bored in. I like how the movie showed more of WCKD and what their intentions are. I also like how they showed what happened before the gladers got into the maze, but what I didn’t like was that they mostly showed Thomas’s story. Lots of people were coming and going and it made it a bit confusing. My favorite actor in the second and first installment is still Dylan O’Brien. I think he did an excellent job of acting, as for the rest of the actors. Everything looked real, nothing looked too fake or over the top. Overall, I think it was a very action filled movie. I was engaged the entire time and wanted more. It’s definitely one of my new favorites.