Arrowhead holds College Essay Workshop

The College Essay Workshop (CEW) held by Arrowhead is a way for students to find out what college admissions officers are looking for in their essays.
There were three total CEWs held. The first was held in the summer. The second was held in the fall.
The third and final session has is held at two different times. Session One is held at North campus in room N201 on Saturday, November 1 from 1:30-3:30pm or on Monday, November 3 from 6:30-8:30pm. The second session is held on Saturday, November 8 from 1:30-3:30pm or Monday, November 10 from 6:30-8:30pm.
Students can sign up through Arrowhead’s main page where there is a link to a Google form.
Any students attending the workshop must supply their own device to work on.
“Seniors who are applying to college by December [should sign up for the workshop],” says Arrowhead English teacher Terri Carnell.
The workshop also helps the students refine their writing.
“In writing workshop, students learn what admissions look for in an essay, how to get started writing, how to show vs. tell and cut excess words to meet word requirements,” says Arrowhead English teacher Kathy Nelson.
Nelson also says it is a good way for procrastinators have set due dates for working on their essays.
In between the sessions, students work on their essays so that they can be edited during the second session.
“[At the second session] multiple reviewers make suggestions for improvement [of the essays],” says Nelson.
“[Students should attend] to get help/work on multiple [revisions of their] essays,” says Carnell.
Whether a students wants a peer-review of their final draft or full assistance they should sign up for sessions at the college essay workshop, Nelson says.
“[The College Essay Workshop is] FREE!, it helps procrastinators get started, and it helps students improve their writing–not only on this essay,” says Nelson.
For more information, students can ask Nelson, Carnell, or English teacher Liz Jorgensen. Also there is a sign-up form and information page on the Arrowhead website, or through the students Skyward account.