Arrowhead Offers a Wide Variety of Scholarships for Students

According to the College Board, the average cost of fees and tuition for the 2013-2014 school year was $8,893 for in state colleges and $22,203 for out of state colleges.  This is an increase from the 2012-2013 average.

Over 61% of students received some form of financial aid with the average student receiving $10,800, according to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, which was a government funded study.

“Arrowhead offers the Arrowhead Scholarship Foundation and many other scholarships through different sources,” says Arrowhead guidance counselor Angela Rodenkirch.

The Arrowhead Scholarship foundation is unique to Arrowhead and is open to every Arrowhead senior.  The entries open when the second semester starts and ends around May according to Rodenkirch.  Students can go to the north campus guidance office to apply.

“[The Arrowhead Scholarship Foundation] gave out scholarships to around 55 [Students] last year,” says North Campus guidance office secretary Gayle Morrison.

This year, Arrowhead opened up new ways for seniors to apply for scholarships.

“[Students] can apply for scholarships directly at school or through their Naviance account,” says Rodenkirch.

Rodenkirch also says she suggests students look at the college website directly or a scholarship searching website like

Rodenkirch says scholarships offered by Arrowhead range from $100-200–to even a full tuition scholarship.  Also, the money from most scholarships can be put towards anything,Rodenkirch says.

“Even though it’s a lot of work it helps with [students] college expenses so if  [a student] puts in 10 hours of work [on a scholarship] and only makes $500, that’s still $50 an hour.  That’s probably more [the student] could make from working a job,” says Rodenkirch.

She also suggests that students with high G.P.A.s and community service experience should try for scholarships as they have a higher chance in the competitive scholarship environment.
