“I’m going to the florida keys with my family and some of our family friends,” Dominic Williams, senior, said.
“Just chilling at home, probably reading,” Dexter Sample, senior, said.
“I am having a staycation’” Mr. Meyers, English Teacher, said.
“I’m going to be doing a lot of work, and then I’m going to be hanging out with as many friends as I can,” Isabella Hall, senior, said.
“I’m going to New York for five days,” Harrison Pack, senior, said.
“I’m going to Pensacola Florida,” Dani Ehnert, a senior, said.
“Tomorrow we are driving to Illinois, then heading to Arkansas,” Malena Jerge, junior, said.
“I’m going with my family to Alabama,” Jack Betz, junior, said.
“Probably just gonna work extra hours,” Alexa Lozoya, junior, said.
“My family and I will be going to Barcelona to visit my oldest son who is studying there for the semester,” Mrs. Justice, principal secretary, said.