Spring break this year is from Monday, March 27th to Friday, March 31st. During this time there are many different opportunities for students and staff to utilize this break, whether traveling or staying at home.
To try to increase school spirit and make students excited for spring break, Student Senate created a spirit day schedule for the week of March 20th. Monday: pajamas; Tuesday: Western/Cowboy; Wednesday: Jersey Day; Thursday: Decades; Friday: Hawaiian/tropical.
Trina Dodge, an Arrowhead math teacher, said, “These school spirit days are a lot more fun and diverse than last time, but I haven’t seen many students actually dressing up.”
The last set of dress up days was the week of 12/19-12/22 and the days were Christmas themed. Monday was Holiday Pajamas, Tuesday was winter gear/ski gear, Wednesday was Ugly sweater day, and Thursday was red/green holiday attire.
Dodge said, “We are driving to Gulf Shores, Alabama, for a week. My family goes together every year somewhere warm.”
According to The Weather Channel, the weather conditions in Alabama next week will be rainy and cloudy days between the high 60s and 70s.
Brock Rumohr, an Arrowhead art teacher, said, “I am planning to go to the St. Louis area just for a couple of days with my wife and our daughter. She is interested in looking at the school where I got my master’s degree: Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville and we enjoy being around the St. Louis area.”
According to The Weather Channel, the weather conditions in St. Louis next week will be rainy and cloudy days between the high 50s and low 60s.
Maralynn Markano, an Arrowhead English teacher, says, “I am not going anywhere for spring break. After doing three plays in a row and now starting the fourth of the year, I just want to rest, relax, and be at home. My son has a few days off from his job during my break so we may do something fun together like going to the Madison Zoo or just going out to dinner. I also will do some scrapbooking or other crafts. And maybe I’ll clean my house—but maybe not.” For those interested, Henry Vilas Zoo, in Madison, is open daily from 9:30am-5:00pm, with free admission.
The week before spring break can be the cause for excitement for students.
Dodge said, “Students before spring break are definitely squirrely.”
To try and keep students engaged teachers, like Dale Destache, a math teacher, are planning on assigning small note taking assignments over spring break.
Markano said, “The week before break is a mix in terms of student behavior. I try to give my students work time on our long-range project and build in the motivation to stay on task so they don’t have to catch up over break. Generally, I have really great students all of the time.”
Some teachers think that homework over the break defeats the purpose of even having a break. Rumor said, “I am not assigning any homework for students over break. The way I see it is that it’s called a break for a reason…To give students a break.”