Senior Profile: Kyra Vojvodich

Kyra Rose Vojvodich is a seventeen year old Arrowhead High School Senior. She has attended Arrowhead for all four years of her high school education.  


Vojvodich describes herself as a subpar student. She says she does not enjoy school which leads her to take the classes she finds most interesting. These include classes like Food and Nutrition and 2D Design. 


Vojvodich said, “My lack of motivation and interests causes me to take classes that seem the least horrible to me. I am currently in classes that should be fairly easy, yet I somehow cannot will myself to do assignments.”


This year Vojvodich is taking classes such as food and nutrition, personal finance, psychology, creative writing, advanced math and statistics, environmental biology and sculpture.


When it comes to extracurricular activities, Vojvodich seldom participates. She was a member of Stage Crew her freshman year. 


She says, “Surprisingly, I did try a club in freshman year, but, unsurprisingly, that did not pan out. Having no clear idea of my personality at the stage I was at in my life then, I tried both a club and an intramural for a while.”


Reading is one of Vojvodich’s favorite pastimes outside of school. Her favorite books include Bad Monkeys by Matt Ruff, Vicious by VE Schwab, and Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger. 


She says that Book Club seems interesting to her, yet she is hesitant to join. 


She says, “The only club that would interest me would have to be book club, but my natural instinct to only act out of spite restrains me from even touching a book I am obligated to read.”


Book Club is currently reading The Maidens by Alex Michaelides. The next December Book Club meeting is Tuesday, December 20 at 2:45 PM in Room N196.


Outside of Arrowhead, Vojvodich’s general activities include eating, immediately going to her room and partaking in any form of mindless media, and reading in abundance to escape reality. On rare occasions Vojvodich leaves her house, enjoys being a nuisance to others, ignoring annoying people, manipulating men, and getting an iced coffee.