photo of cars from the cunning cars DLC update
According to Rockstar Games, GTA (or Grand Theft Auto) online has released a new update for stunt ramps and cars. The vehicles can only be downloaded and found on GTA online, and not on story mode. VG Gaming released that this new cunning stunts update will feature twelve new vehicles with new prices and two stock cars that can be free of purchase. All of the vehicles are for doing races and stunts. The update will include new clothing as well as seven new stunt ramps.
“This is a really cool new update for people who are fans of racing and stunts,” says Greendale student Sam Glaine. “I am really surprised with the types of cars that are in the update, every car is perfect for racing and stunts. The races are also really fun.”
The map is also includes a map on for online members to enter a premium race where the player has to pay twenty thousand, not real money but money in the game, in order to play. The winning money is around one hundred thousand dollars; however, first place is needed to win any money at all.
“If you’re experienced enough to play the premium race and win, your going to be walking out of the race with big money,” says Glaine. “It’s also a really fun thing to do with friends on a rainy day or just when you’re really bored with nothing to do.”
“I love this new update. The cars are really cool and there are even two cars you can order for free. That blows my mind. I think it might be one of my favorite updates so far,” says Greendale student Nick Russell.
“I also love the new race maps included. I’m personally really good at doing the races so I get a really big amount of money back when I verse my friends. The clothing items that came with it are also really cool. The only thing I don’t really like about the update is the price of the vehicles. They are actually really expensive compared to the other cars on the game. It ends up costing more than twenty thousand dollars if your want to do the premium races just because of the fact that you have to pay up to one million dollars for a race car. It almost doesn’t seem to be worth entering a premium race because it takes so long to make that much money in an online session,” says Russell.
“I think a big con to the update is that it’s very glitchy and sometimes doesn’t work properly. The races get very glitchy and sometimes makes the game crash. The cars are very realistic however, so I think overall, they did a very good job at making this new update. I really like everything other than the glitches and the somewhat extreme costs of the vehicles,” says Glaine.
Rockstar has not said anything about the glitches that were complained about on the update. It was reported on the seven sins gaming website that there is a money glitch that allows the players to drive through a certain part of the race by using a certain method and causing the game to glitch. When the glitch is triggered, the player is then able to an unlimited amount of money.
Rockstar has posted that they will place a temporary ban accounts for using the glitch because it rewards money which is really not supposed to be given to the player.
“I guess I really get my money back from the cars when I play in the races because of that unlimited money glitch. I can get about one million dollars every time the game glitches out. The amount of money is insane. After about five races, I can afford almost everything I need in the game. It’s really starting to pay itself off. You do need to finish in first place though in order for the glitch to work correctly,” says Glaine.
“The money glitch is really easy to do. The glitch is really easy to do, however, if Rockstar catches you doing the glitch on purpose, you can possibly be temporarily banned from the game because of the fact that you are using and taking advantage of a mistake that negatively rewards you. I haven’t been caught doing it yet and hopefully won’t be. My overall view of the stunt update is that it is very realistic and very fun. I recommend people to play the races. Even without the glitch, you can win rather large amounts of money from one race,” says Glaine.